Thursday, December 03, 2009

More signals from Google that Page Load time will affect SERPs

Just a quick note -- there are a couple of recent signals that Google will start to use site response times to affect how well you rank in their search results in 2010.

The first is found in a summary of a recent PubCon session with Matt Cutts:

He [Matt Cutts] hints that people at Google really want to use site speed as a factor in rankings. They’re not using it right now, but they want to be. They want search to be like a magazine. Google wants to make the Web fast. 2010 is a great time to pay attention to speeding up your site. HINT. HINT.

The second is that Google Webmaster Tools now offers a page called "Site performance" which gives you feedback on how fast your site loads relative to other sites on the web. (Announcement is here.)

Have you thought about how quickly your site loads? Probably a good time to take it seriously.

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